Yum Yum Pizza Chilli Crisp
Yum Yum Pizza Chilli Crisp | 200ml
Pimp your pizza and make ‘em say, “YUM YUM!” At any pizza parlour we always call for the chilli oil. Now we took that one step further. Bursting with chilli flakes, garlic, tomato, oregano & fennel seeds, YUM YUM delivers a satisfying crunch and an umami punch that adds excitement to even the most store-bought of store-bought pizzas . Vegan, all-natural, and sugar-free, it makes our favourite food in the world, even more delicious.
PIZZA CHILLI CRISP Sunflower oil, Chilli flakes, garlic, tomato, nutritional yeast, onion, fennel, smoked paprika, pepper, salt, oregano. PIZZA CHILLI CRISP Zonnebloemolie, Chilivlokken, knoflook, tomaat, voedingsgist, ui, venkel, gerookte paprika, peper, zout, oregano. PIZZA CHILLI CRISP Sonnenblumenöl, Chiliflocken, Knoblauch, Tomate, Nährhefe, Zwiebel, Fenchel, geräuchertes Paprikapulver, Pfeffer, Salz, Oregano.
Refrigerate after opening and consume within 6 weeks. Shake Well Before Use. Store in a cool dry place.
HANDMADE by Trouble & Spice for Flying Sauces in the Netherlands.