Sage Against The Machine | 100ml
Slow Fermented Carolina Reaper Hot Sauce with Sweet Potato, Apple & Sage.
MADE FOR TACOS | Equally good on oysters, fried chicken, mac & cheese, burgers & pizza!
“The legendary Carolina Reaper fascinates me on the one hand but frightens me on the other. It’s one of the hottest in the world - a scorching 400 times hotter than a jalapeño. I set out to charm the Reaper with a fermented sauce that not only bites but tastes good too. It’s a taste revolution in every drop, harmonizing the Americana sweetness of apple and sweet potato with the elegant edge of sage. Enjoy Y’all!”
- Mitch, an American flavor virtuoso in Amsterdam
· No Preservatives · No thickeners · No colourants · Vegan · All Natural ·
Spicy Carolina Reaper Chilli Sauce; Ingredients: Carolina Reaper (6%), Sweet Potato (16%), Apple (5%), Onion, Garlic, Coconut Sugar, Sea Salt, Natural Vinegar, Apple Juice, Carrot Juice, Sage (3%), Spices.
Pittige Carolina Reaper Chili Saus; Ingrediënten: Carolina Reaper (6%), Zoete Aardappel (16%), Appel (5%), Ui, Knoflook, Kokossuiker, Zeezout, Natuurazijn, Appelsap, Wortelsap, Salie (3%), Kruiden.
Scharfe Carolina Reaper Chilisauce; Zutaten: Carolina Reaper (6%), Süßkartoffel (16%), Apfel (5%), Zwiebel, Knoblauch, Kokoszucker, Meersalz, Naturessig, Apfelsaft, Karottensaft, Salbei (3%), Gewürze.
Best before: See base. Store in the refrigerator after opening.
Ten minste houdbaar tot: Zie onderkant. Bewaar in de koelkast na opening.
Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum: Siehe Boden. Nach dem Öffnen im Kühlschrank lagern.